He was very excited about the whole idea, little does he know that this will be the first of MANY! We said he was "allowed" to pick one of the following: Feed the dogs, Clean the toys in the tub up every night, "Make" his bed or take the plates to the sink and wipe the table.
After much discussion, he decided to do the plates and wipe the table. I was very proud of his decision and excitement. We took out some paper, drew a picture of him and what he would be doing. He meticulously taped it to the door...
As we went over each point of his new job, he looked at me completely serious and said, "What are you going to do now?" HMMMMM? I can think of a few things I can do now that you are taking care of this...
It's been about a month now and he is doing pretty good. When there's something fun going on, he literally throws his stuff in the sink usually splattering ketchup or syrup everywhere (must be his way of giving me "something" to do). Then swipes the table with a towel and runs off. At bath time, he takes a solid 30 minutes to get the job done...after a snails paced walk to the sink, he wipes every nook and cranny of the table...typical, I'm sure.
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