How my kids know they should all get up at various times in the middle of the night on the one night I have decided to hit the hay early? It’s an amazing phenomenon…
Why my kids wake up at five a.m. on the mornings we have no reason to be awake and sleep in on the days we must be up early. Really? Must it be every.single.time. Talk about amazing phenomenon’s…
How at least one child will have an emergency bowel movement at the least opportune moment…like when there are no bathrooms within miles or when we are in the middle of checking out of the grocery store and the baby is crying….
Why kids think that whining gets them what they want when it never does…
Why I can’t figure out which battles are the best to choose…
Why the pace of time picks up exponentially after you have kids…It’s August already? How did this happen? Luke is going to Kindergarten in a week…arghh..
Why I am always in a rush and have found it increasingly harder to enjoy the little moments…
What the plan is…
How my kids know when to give me a kiss at just the right moment to lift my ragged spirit…
How they know the exact time I need to hear “I love you Mommy” to make all the wonderings go away…
Ecclesiastes 11:3 - 5 When the clouds are full of water, it rains. When the wind blows down a tree, it lies where it falls. Don't sit there watching the wind. Do your own work. Don't stare at the clouds. Get on with your life. Just as you'll never understand the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman, So you'll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does.
Friday, August 7, 2009
I wonder...
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Come Back Please...
Come back now.
I don’t want to…I want to go with them.
I know but…
Please let me go with them…
He was desperate…he turned his back to me and continued to make his way down the middle of the creek to play with the “big kids”. He teetered and tottered over the slick rocks…he slipped a few times but stood up…I winced…he looked back at me and smiled…I tried again…
Luke! Luke! Come back…
Mommy, stop calling me…I want to go…
I turned around and let him go. With the baby in my arms I slowly walked back to the group…everyone was talking and laughing only few yards away from the creek where the kids played. They were clueless as to what just happened to me. For a moment, everything around me got quiet and I could hear Luke’s isolated laugh…the thrill of going alone and enjoying the acceptance of the older children.
I felt a touch bewildered. I looked at my friend and said, “I just had a ‘moment’. Luke just turned 5 in his heart…I can feel it. I don’t think I am ready for this…” I went through our moments in my head with Luke as a toddler and since about the age of 2…he’s been scared of pretty much anything that was new to him…the ocean, the train ride, loud noises, new class rooms…
I was not used to this fearlessness…
For a moment, I thought…I want him to be afraid. I don’t want him to do this…God…this is entirely too scary for me. What if something happens to him…what if he breaks his head open…what if, what if, what if…
In a matter of days we went from the mountains to the beach…
As I watched my sister teach Luke how to body surf…I didn’t think much of it. He loves the beach…but doesn’t really love the water. Until now. The body surfing turned into boogie boarding…which led to this conversation:
You need to come back...closer to our area.
No mommy. I want to stay here.
I get that, but you need to come closer so we can see you.
Mommy! [picture total five year old exasperation] …the waves are bigger over here.
Luke…you need to come with me over here. The tide is very strong.
What’s a tide?
It’s what could potentially take you out to sea if you don’t come with me.
[Blink, Blink]
I just want to go where the big waves are.
I just stared at him…who are you? Are you five or twelve? Don’t do this to me…God! Help me….I’m scared for him. Please just come play in the sand, eat seashells with Jonah…whatever, but not this dangerous stuff because…what if…
I led him back to our towels, told him the ground rules and let him go…
I watched him like a hawk from a distance.
He got tossed about a little…
When he swallowed some salt water I gave him juice.
I doused him with sunscreen so he would not get burned.
I gave him a snack when he was hungry.
I took him home when he was tired.
I did what I am supposed to do…but it was hard. I do not want to be a “helicopter mom”…I want my kids to experience life in a huge way without directing their every move and picking them up every time they fall.
I thought this would be easier because it’s the type of parent I want to be…I never thought it would be this difficult to experience the small moments of detachment. Even though it’s slow…and I have a lot of years left with him…it’s painful. I thought about the future…what if he wants to join the military? Backpack across Europe alone? Climb Mount Everest?
Will I stand there and cry…probably. Will I tell him not to go? No. I realized that these moments are about preparing him to lead an interesting, fulfilling life without fear. But they are also about slowly preparing me to let go of the fear of letting go to one of the things that has brought me more joy then I would have ever imagined…
So…happy birthday Luke! I pray that your life is full of unending joy and great adventures…you are clearly off to a good start! Enjoy!
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Out of the Valley...

I totally scored…had the entire air mattress to myself. Blinking…the light in the bathroom was on and in my face…it must have been about 4:30 am. It was raining. Jon was between the kids with a rather small blue and white striped towel over him. Not really sure how that happened…where is his blanket?
Luke untwisted then opened his eyes and blinked at me. As usual, he started with in a loud whisper…”Mommy, I had a dream…” He rambled on about Sassy’s and the red and white “punch buggies”. Then he snuggled in and said, “Mommy, can we do this again someday?”
There we were in the mountains of North Carolina in a house that had no furniture because it’s usually rented out. It had no TV…no DVD…no Computer. If you can believe, without all of that, we had one of the greatest weekends of our lives! I have fond memories of this house and have always envisioned my kids running through the front yard, playing in the creek, shirts off…not a care in the world. That vision was realized July 4th weekend…and what an adventure it was for three little boys…
…parades, candy, hot dogs, worms, smores, fire pit, creek, flags, slugs, butterflies, horses, water balloons, sleeping bags, smoke bombs, fireworks, sparklers, watermelon…
What is it about the mountains? When I drive up through the hills getting glimpses of the mountain ranges…I almost get anxious. When I arrive, I immediately feel rejuvenated, like I am somehow closer to God and have, once again, escaped the grasp of life in the valley…everything just seems better…the water, the air, the people…
It’s the beauty though that always takes my breath away. No matter where I turn…it’s there…the beauty is what we are made for, it’s what speaks to us, it’s what makes us know that God exists and he’s got an amazing talent…how did He even come up with this stuff…the mist coming off the babbling brook as the sun rises…
“You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands! Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up. These events will bring great honor to the Lord’s name; they will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.” Isaiah 55: 12 & 13
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Liberate yourself...
I recently went to see John Rosemond speak…I have read a few of his books about parenting and, I have to admit, I drunk the Kool-Aid when it comes to his philosophy on raising kids using more traditional discipline “methods”. I say, “methods” because I don’t recall him speaking about specific techniques like, time out or some fancy shmancy something or other that supposedly works. He really just drew from the past and his experiences…
The one thing he emphasized that hit me straight in the heart was a comment about how women have changed over the last 50 years. I’m not sure this is an exact quote, but it was something like this, “Woman have lost their identity [in their children] and reduced themselves to a two dimensional person. LIBERATE YOURSELF!”. He went on to talk about how woman these days talk about nothing but their children in an obsessive fashion, that the marriage has become about the kids and not each other, that it’s ok to tell your kids “no”…or “go and play by yourself”…or “because I said so”.
I don’t know much, but I do know this...I have never felt more liberated from the guilt I feel about my children when I left the auditorium. I adore my kids…I think that’s a given. But I was consumed by guilt all the time…for working, because they were in daycare, for leaving them for 2 hours or, God forbid, a weekend. Every night I would say to Jon, “We really, need to spend more time with the kids…”
When we went to London 2 years ago…I literally sulked my way through five days because I just wanted them to be there or just to be home. We had a good time…but I didn’t truly enjoy it in my heart…I was consumed by guilt for leaving them. I was afraid something would happen to them as if the people caring for them (their grandparents) weren’t capable. I felt like they would hate me for leaving them. I literally thought, “How can I be enjoying this when they are home missing me so much. I’m such a horrible mother.” And Poor Jon…probably wasn’t that great hearing me question my motherhood…not giving a second thought to my marriage.
So back to the new me…
Recently, we took a trip to Savannah and the kids stayed home. We had a wonderful time…because the guilt monster had been cast away. I thought about the boys…I called to see how they were doing once a day…I bought them presents…but I didn’t worry about them missing me. I enjoyed the moment. Jon and I just enjoyed the rare time together…ate, stayed out late, played darts, drank…SLEPT as late as possible (first time in a long, long time).
When we got back they were literally having the TIME OF THEIR LIVES…I thought I would at least get greeted with a hug…instead I got a wave and a “Hey Mommy.” Was I sad…no, I was happy that they were comfortable to be without us because independence of us is really the ultimate goal.
I want my kids to view me as interesting and passionate about life. I want them to feel secure in our home because Jon and I are secure in our marriage. Going on a trip and being sad the whole time…doesn’t do all that much in the marriage department. Making our kids the focus of our lives, does nothing for our marriage. Our life should not revolve around them, they revolve around us…
I get that this is not how everyone feels and I know that his books may not be for every child…but for me, it’s been fantastic…I feel like I found a weird sort of freedom…not only with the guilt, but how to discipline as well.
At the seminar…he gave his “Bill of Rights for Children”…I will leave you with four of them:
- Children have the right to find out early in their lives that their parents don’t exist to make them happy, but to offer them the opportunity to learn the skills they will need to eventually make themselves happy.
- Children have the right to learn early in their lives that obedience to legitimate authority is not optional, that there are consequences for disobedience, and those said consequences are memorable and, therefore, persuasive.
- Children have the right to learn to be grateful for what they receive, therefore, they have the right to receive all of what they truly need and very little of what they simply want.
- Because it’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, children have the right to hear their parents say “Because I said so” on a regular basis.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The First Cap and Gown....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Happy Heart
A happy heart makes the face cheerful…(Proverbs 15:13)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
When I Grow Up
Monday, May 18, 2009
Stress Equals Change
Jillian is quite the trainer and I can say, it’s probably the only exercise video that goes by pretty quick and is actually motivating. On the first day, I was sweating profusely and literally huffing and puffing and Jillian says (paraphrased), stress brings change. She is talking about how the killer squats create stress on your body, which brings the changes you want. I’m not sure why but this comment has been stuck in my head for days now…not just because I am shuffling around the workplace like a little old lady today but it’s really kind of profound. I can’t think of any stressful time in my life where I didn’t come out changed and I would say, 99.5% it was for the better. The stress we are all living in at the moment has been really, really super hard. It’s that pit of the stomach type stress…I really think all this stress will and has already changed the lives of many of us for the better. I read an article yesterday about the items and products that are soaring from this economy…seeds, fishing equipment, macaroni and cheese…people are staying home, eating together and finding ways to have fun without spending much money (and maybe catch dinner while they are at it). Going back to basics is not a bad thing and quite frankly, I think most of us missed the basics anyway. So, I'm trying to embrace the stress and welcome the change!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands….
I was thinking about this song on the day that I got an e-mail from my dear friend, Pam. Pam is a single mom of two teenagers, she works and she prays. She’s probably one of the most outspoken Christian’s I know…I must admit, she kinda put me off when I first met her…I think it was at the Bayou Kitchen on a crisp fall evening…over a bucket of beers and plate of their famous chicken fried chicken. She loudly asked if she could say grace and proceeded to do so without a second thought of who was at the table or who could hear us…I was so taken aback…in a complete panic, all I could think was, ”WE ARE PRAYING WITH BEERS ON THE TABLE!”, as if we weren’t adults or that we would get into trouble somehow or, heaven forbid, struck down! (Thank God those days of feeling so judged are over)! Lots of time has passed since…I consider her a great friend and incredible woman of God. The e-mail simply read, “I was just laid off.” I’m not sure why this was so different from all the other bad news I’ve heard about friends and family that have lost jobs. But, this one just smacked me in the face. I briefly felt totally hopeless…for her, for me and the state of our world.
I saw Pam the next day…Merriwether and I got together with her to pray…we do this periodically throughout the year. Pam was totally fine. I thought she might be a little bit of a mess, but she was so normal. You know why? Because she believes and knows that she is in the palm of God’s hand. It’s so fine. We prayed for her which was expected...she prayed for both of us, which was unexpected. There was peace in all her conversation…I’m sure she’s curious about what’s next, but there’s not the angst there. He’s got her and world in his hands. Sing it!
Psalm 91: 1-4 (The Message Bible):
“You who sit down in the High God’s presence, spend the night in Shaddai’s shadow, Say this: “God you are my refuge. I trust in you and I’m safe!” That’s right – he rescues you from hidden traps, shields you from deadly hazards. His huge outstretched arms protect you – under them you’re perfectly safe; his arms fend off all harm.”
Saturday, February 21, 2009
All my Dreams Have Come True....

Friday, February 13, 2009
The "Who's Staying Home Stare Down"...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Psalm 40
I have never been one to cut coupons. I always wonder how people have time for all the cutting and planning. Now I know…I have time because I want my kids to go to college and I need food. It does take quite a bit longer...I have about 100 coupons in an envelope. I usually pilfer through my coupons in the middle of the aisle...those wiley little things fall all over the place! My "system" is to move coupons that I am using from one pocket to another. The folks around me are very patient because they are all in the same boat...a fistful of coupons and clogging up aisles wondering if they should buy the name brand or no name of which is 2 cents cheaper...I vote for name brand especially if it's ketchup (Heinz all the way baby!) So, to remedy this I have purchased the "Couponizer" Coupon Organizer (feel free to chuckle here) which I do realize will be another post completely at some point. We went to dinner at a friend's house...rather then letting them do it all, we all brought something and then discussed all the ways we are trying to save money. Promising to not allow the other to go hungry or homeless if it gets that disastrous, disclosing our "back up plans" and how they involve moving back in with mom and dad...again, we are equal. There's comfort here in friends being equal...admitting that it's kinda scary.
Being inundated with financial fear at every turn is hard, but honestly, in my heart...I am completely at peace. I know in my heart of hearts that my God will help me when I call. This is where things aren't so equal because for those people that don't believe...all they have is themselves and that is a scary place to be. Which brings me to Psalm 40...prompted by listening to "40" by U2....the first few verses go something like this: "I waited patiently for the Lord he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord." Read will feel better....
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Efficient Multi-Tasker
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My Grandmother
Friday, January 23, 2009
Working mom epiphany...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Our kids will never know...
MLK Weekend
*family time around the table
*obviously, the checking account balance
*cleaner car as there are not crumbs from every fast food place known to man strewn throughout
*not having the temptation to roll into Target and spend another $100 "on our way to eat"
*fulfilling my resolution to cook more and get better at it
*being creative
*cutting out the completely irritating screams that come from the back seat when the sausage biscuit falls apart
*too much family time around the table because little kids really love to draw it all out by standing up, arguing and just plain trying to get out of eating all together
*running the dishwasher over and over
*much more spilled milk, but who's crying over it? that would be me...the cleaner upper
*the "life lessons" that turn into battles such as the one I had with Henry last night about how you are not allowed to tell your potato to "shut up" because you don't like it...we just don't use those words!
*there's just a lot more trash when you are home if we did not have enough already
*the amount of free condiments has been completely wiped out
Overall though, it's been great and I am now on a rampage...I noticed that I told Jon that the kids were "allowed" to eat McDonald's tonight...Did I say that out loud? But really, if you think about it, that's what eating out was for us when we were was a treat...just like when Donny and Marie came on once a was EXCITING! So if you don't see us out and about...come join us at the dinner table...
Friday, January 16, 2009
Crock Pot Love...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Incredibly Fantastic Birthday Weekend
Monday, January 12, 2009
OH MY GA....
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
It was a good day...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
All good things must come to an end...
1) stop cleaning so much
2) give people hope for the future whenever possible
3) play on the floor with my kids when they ask and stop saying "give me a second and I will play with you" when I really mean "give me 20 minutes" because usually the moment passes and they move onto other things
4) pray
5) finish the 5 books that are half started on my night stand
6) cook more...rather, learn to cook better
7) have more date nights
8) remember the importance of having, giving and receiving grace
I think 8 is a good number...anyway Happy Belated New's going to be a good one....back to my movie...