Monday, January 12, 2009

OH MY GA....

After a splendid, blissful birthday spa weekend with all my favorite friends...the day to go back to work has come and gone. Let's just say I was GROSSLY ill prepared for getting myself and 3 kids ready for this all started around 3 am when the baby got restless...Henry came rolling in our room around 3:30 am with an armful of stuffed animals and books then Luke followed around 4:00 am ready to watch some of his "shows" (he's 4 and has "shows") 5:30 am I rolled out of bed, showered and went down to make the coffee (thinking at this moment that I really need to figure out how to get this machine to auto make my coffee but only if it could load the coffee, filter and water by itself but who really has time to read the instructions), got bottles labeled, put in a load of laundry, raced upstairs, got dressed, put on make up (which was nowhere to be found until I remembered it was still in my suitcase), raced back down for my very much needed cup of coffee. The filter wasn't in just right and I could hear a very unusual gurgle sound and knew this was going to be the beginning of a crazy day. I cussed and then restocked the coffee maker, raced back up the stairs to get the kids dressed...after the big clothing struggle...we all made it downstairs, had breakfast, brushed teeth, got sippy cups and seemingly packed up the entire house to head to daycare. I stopped myself as I raced through a yellow light on the way and wondered why I was rushing...I touched Jonah's little head as I drove and decided to go the long way and take my was good...the drop off was fabulous. His teacher was sweet to him and the boys smothered him with love before we went to their classes...the beauty here is that they are all together, we are known there at daycare and everyone understood it was a difficult day for me. I had a few weepy moments on the way to work but I walked in and people treated me as if I had never left. Very weird, but good. The minute the clock ticked to 5:00 pm...the race was on! I literally fast-walked to my car, drove like a crazed maniac to get to Luke and Henry (totally rushed them to leave their rooms) and raced to get Jonah...I walked in and he just grinned...I noticed that he was so content...the teacher LOVED him and said he had a great day! Relief washed over me. Off we went home...Jon was working late....I got dinner ready, did puzzle with Henry, begged the kids to eat with forks and to remember say grace as I fed baby. Sidebar here...Luke at dinner said, "Wouldn't it be great if we had a new baby girl [envision my shocked face here trying to stay totally calm] because then I could teach Henry to tie his shoes, Henry could teach Jonah to tie his shoes and then Jonah could teach the baby girl to tie her shoes?"...No lie...I stared at him, no that would not be great at this moment....(but it was really sweet for him to think of it in that way...thought he might also ask me how babies are made so I left the room for a minute while they ate together and discussed shoe tying), cleaned bottles, put a load of laundry in, folded clothes, washed dishes, emptied dishwasher, reloaded dishwasher, secretly wished I could kick dishwasher, picked up toys, went to the grocery store with baby, raced through the grocery with very stinky baby (of course!), got home and unpacked groceries, talked/grunted at wonderful husband about first day was time for the kids to go to bed, held baby, ...another load of laundry, made bottles, got lunch ready for tomorrow, brushed kids teeth, Jon took kids to bed, filled out Luke's reading list, cleaned up dinner, cleaned kitchen, put stuff in the's 11:00 pm and I am just sitting down, still in my work massage yesterday seems like such a distant memory...will begin again in only 6 hours! OH MY GA!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome bank to the world of working hectic! I think I feel this way almost every day! Thank GOD for husbands that help out!
