Friday, August 22, 2008

Swinging Bridge's and Bright Ideas

Maybe it's just the guilt of working parents that send their kids to daycare all day every day...but we are constantly on the look out for fun things to do with our kids to fill the weekends with something other then t.v. I mean, we are constantly on the's a little ridiculous. It's a little more ridiculous because I am 9 months pregnant and with the exception of a nap or two over the weekend...we just keep moving. This past weekend was no exception. We decide (rephrase: I decide) that it would be good to get out of the heat of the city and ride up to Grandfather Mountain. Aren't we so fun and spontaneous! About 20 minutes in to the seat belt is too tight, I have to pee, biscuits have been thrown all across the car, the whining, whining and more whining...I am totally exasperated and wondering, "WHY!?, Why do I continue to try filling my children's lives with fun and adventure?" I get the, "You really need to relax look" from I breathe and do my best to enjoy our day. As we wind up the mountain things definitely get better...there's just something so peaceful about the mountain effects me. Maybe I just feel closer to God? Whatever it was working. About 5 miles outside of the Grandfather entrance, Henry says through his paci, "Ma tumy hur", "Ma tumy hur" the time I get this deciphered, I realize his tummy hurts...I ignore it. I mean, I'm sure he will be fine. I give him a banana, (yes, I am that fabulous that I packed an amazing cooler of fruit, healthy snacks and bottled water. No one has noticed my fabulousness though because they are way too full from eating sausage biscuits). Not even a half a mile later I turn my head to see Henry vomit banana all over the car...Grand! I will say this dampened my mountain air buzz I had going on (not to mention it's the only buzz that I've had going on in 9 months). We rushed to park, got him all cleaned up...Luke was pretty much focused on the Lion King and missed the entire episode...Henry seemed to find the whole thing amusing...Jon and I were weary and it was only 10:00 (I don't think either of us were sure about what to do) might as well just keep going...I mean, what would Frodo do...Onward!
We started with the animals, which was great! The kids were able to feed the bears and watch them chase each other around (they are very fast by the way!). We saw cougars, deer (reindeer if you ask Henry), sea otters, and eagles. It was fun, but Grandfather Mountain is just that...a mountain...when you are 9 months pregnant the word "hilly" is not your friend and the animal park, though small, is rather hilly (equals...not my friend!). It's definitely not fun when you have to run while 9 months pregnant after a 2 year old that does not seem to understand what the word "stop" means. Overall, the animal park gets a thumbs up, but not when pregnant.
On to yet another brilliant idea of mine...the Mile High Swinging Bridge! What fun...especially for very young rambunctious boys who are only try to fulfill their total need for adventure...even at 4 and 2. They were thrilled at the sight of it all...who can blame them. I, on the other hand, get closer the bridge...just a talking to myself..."be normal...just keep walking across...just go. YOU CAN do are a mommy and can do anything." Jon breaks my train of thought and says, "I think Henry should walk b/c if we hold him he will be over the rail line and if he squirms...well, you know..." Uh...the supermom had not thought of this...I respond, "Oh yeah, good....OK." I take Henry's hand noticing that Henry could totally fit through the rails on the bridge if he really wanted to! Not sure which is better here. OK..."Just keep are not afraid...take the boys hand and keep moving." And I did just that...walk, walk, walk, stop...I looked around...there were so many people, Jon and Luke got ahead of us and I freaked...told Henry I was sorry and we turned around. Henry was devastated...I of course promised that Daddy would come back and take him across...which appeased him for a minute. I could not take my eyes off Luke and Jon as they got across, took some pictures and came back. Poor Jon...the minute he got back, I told him that he had to take Henry over...always good natured...Jon agreed and grabbed his hand. Of course, Luke was not about to stay with Mommy...he wanted to go to...he ran after Jon...onto the heart raced...Jon took his hand and off they went. Me...very pregnant...watching. Now the worry really started...I began sweating profusely. I couldn't hide it either because I chose to wear a grey t-shirt which loves to expose wet underarms! I then started pacing and talking to myself, "Jon...hurry up! Why is it taking you so long...come on, come on...please come back." Not sure what was going on with me, but I know I was totally crazed. A mild panic attack ensued. After what seemed like a total eternity...they started back...they were so happy and pleased with themselves and I was so proud of them all! I learned a few things on this day trip to Grandfather...1) Even though our kids are small...the whole process of learning to let go comes hard, fast and very early! It would have been easier to hover and not trust that it was going to be OK...but I really think that letting go and watching was the best thing I could have done no matter how afraid I actually was... 2) I need to really think through my bright spontaneous really something I have to be?! I don't think so! :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

How Do YOU Know My Mommy is Pregnant?!

I picked the kids up from daycare yesterday and as I was getting the kids situated in the car...a car pulled up into a space close to ours. So, our car, then empty space, then new car. It was one of the father's picking up in the car...he got out, looked at me, smiled and said "Hi". He went on to fix the car seat in his car and I went on to get Henry buckled in. Both the doors of the mini van were wide open as I usually get Henry in first and then buckle Luke in. So, the man asks, "So, when are you due?" I told him September and he smiled and said, "Congratulations". He went on to fix the car seat in his car. Meanwhile, Luke gives me a completely puzzled look and in the lowest voice that a 4 year can possible reach (this would be "normal" voice but you could tell he was trying to whisper), he asks, " does that man know that you are having a baby?" I stared at him for a second, reminded myself that he was four and said, "Son, do you see mommy's belly sticking out?" He nodded, yes. "Well, he sees it too and that's how he knows mommy is pregnant." He looks at me in complete disbelief...cups his hands around his mouth and shouts to the man very loudly, who is now almost at the daycare door, "HEY!...Hey!" The man turns around, Luke screams, "How did you know my mommy is having a baby?!" It all happened so fast. I said, "Luke!" The man opened the door, smiled really big, laughed and yelled back, "Because your mommy looks like she's having a baby." He scurries into the building...horrified, I'm sure. I am standing there with my mouth wide open...horrified, for sure. Luke looks me right in the eyes and says in complete astonishment, "You were right mommy." I said, "Son, I'm the mommy and I'm always right."

Monday, August 11, 2008

34 Weeks and Counting....

So, I guess I haven't come right out and said on the blog, "Hey, I'm pregnant!" but I am saying it now. 34 weeks to be exact...which would be why I have not blogged 30 of those 34 weeks. Barnes Baby Boy number 3! So the family dynamic shifts once again...the poor dogs...I'm sure they feel like they are hanging on to their place in the family by a single claw. You can just see it in their eyes...wondering if they will be fed again after yet another baby comes into their world and tries to eat their food or tries to feed them one juicy morsel of dog food at a time. The bright side is they have another face they can lick and more food to steal from the chubby little hands full of food at their eye level but they are clearly not seeing the bright side to all of this...such sad faces! The boys are taking it all in stride and seem to be dealing with it all very well. Henry has no idea what's coming so....he does still get upset if I pick up another child. He frantically screams, "MY Mommy!"I hate to see him suffer when I do that but gosh it makes me feel great when he stakes his mommy claim! Luke seems to have a firm grasp that he will be "in charge" of yet another small human that needs all the wisdom he has to offer from his last four years of life. Jon and I are the ones that are a bit of a's as if we have no idea a baby is even coming...what baby!? I'm sure we are being over confident since we already have two...I mean, what is one more in the midst of all the chaos. Does a third baby even need a crib? A dresser draw will suffice...HA! We are slowly but surely getting ready....but it's sssssllllooooowwwww. It's funny how you become seasoned in it all. I talk to first moms to be and find myself trying to impart that same peace that my good friends gave to me..."you will know what to do" or "you don't really need the wiper warmer " or "love grows" (my personal favorite bit of advice given to me ever!). Maybe that's the beauty of having more then one or two. You find the peace that having one doesn't bring as much just know that through each stage it's going to be just fine...or maybe it's just the numbness that comes with sleep deprivation! Who knows...either way...we are thrilled about our new to come soon!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Update: Pureed Veggies

Ok so, it's been 6 months since I blogged. Shameful, I know! But I have a very good excuse, I swear! Now, for all you moms out there that were suffering mentally because you were thinking that I was such a fantastic "get your kids to each veggies mom" will be glad to know that I have not thawed one bag of pureed veggies for my kids in six months. As a matter of fact, I had to throw all those fantastic bags of pureed veggies away because I had to make room for the boxes of Eggo's and huge bags Freezee Pops! You can all breathe a collective sigh of relief...I too, have lost the war on the vegetable battle ground! It is a war...don't fool yourself. I did, however, find out that my four year old absolutely loves barbecue chicken. I had no idea until we went to our friend Traci's house...turns out that he loves it and has been eating it for years at daycare. **sigh** I do remain hopeful! I'm resting up to jump back into battle once the baby comes...but for now, it's hot dogs with mac and cheese...